Sunday, November 8, 2009

Phra Pidta MaHaWahn Roon MahaWet MahaMongKong (LP Kloy, Wat PuKowThong, Phatthalung province)

Scared Phra Pidta Roon MaHaWet MaHaMongkol – Blessed from 3 Holy Ceremonies by Famous Guru Monk – Add Wealth and Good Fate for Life!!100% Authentic from temple. Name: Pid-Ta MaHaWahn Roon MahaWet MahaMongKong. Batch: Roon “MahaWet MahaMongKong”. From: LP Kloy of Wat PuKowThong, Phatthalung province. Color/ Presented: Wahn/ on the front have a snake at waist of this image. On the back shows Maha Yanh of Wat KowOr good for protection. Material: Wahn for made the Pid-Ta amulet. Under the image have to put many holy mass such as Lersi powder, Wahn Noppamard, Wahn Peudmongkong, Wahn Nanggwuk, Wahn Mahalarm, Wahn Mahachoke, Wahn Sowlong, Wahn Settimongkong, Wahn Nangnakwadee, Wahn Poojowkowkiow, Wahn Rueseepasomya. Ceremony: This Phra Pid-Ta amulet has been blessed properly by many holy monks by 3 ceremonies. The first ceremony on 21 October 2005 at ChudTanBunPot Cave by 9 holy monks of Wat KowOr. The second ceremony, LP Kloy has been blessed this batch by 3 months at Wat PuKowThong. A unique feature of his powder amulets is strong. The third ceremony, LP Kloy passed the sacred ceremony known as Ahpsuriyun-Ahpjunta, a Buddhist spell ceremony. Year: C.E.2005 (B.E.2548) . Size: 1.5 cm x 2 cm. Origin: Thailand. Purpose for making: LP Kloy require donation from this amulet for building the sermon hall in a monastery at Wat PuKowThong. Power: People believe that Phra Pid-Ta by LP Kloy has power securing good fortune in business affairs to the owner and wealth.

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